Tooth Extractions

in Apex, NC

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What Is A Tooth Extraction?

Our main goal during treatment at Say Cheeze Dental is to preserve your natural teeth as much as possible, but there are situations when removing one or more teeth is the best option for your oral health. A simple extraction removes a tooth that is visible over the gums. This is generally used for a tooth that's damaged or decayed and cannot be repaired. A surgical extraction removes a tooth that has not erupted over the gums. Surgical extractions are commonly done to take out wisdom teeth and impacted teeth that do not have sufficient space to fit into your smile. Regardless of the reason for needing a tooth extraction, the team at Say Cheeze Dental will work to treat you with the best care. Contact our dental clinic in Apex, NC for more information or to schedule an examination with our dentists to boost your oral health.

What Can I Expect During A Tooth Extraction?

Dental extractions are done at our Apex, NC office using local anesthesia to keep patients comfortable. If you or your child need additional sedation, our clinic also offers nitrous oxide to help calm any anxieties. When you're prepared, one of our dentists will begin the procedure. For a simple extraction, we will loosen the tooth with a special device called an elevator before removing the tooth. A surgical extraction entails making incisions in your gums to get to the tooth. If needed, the tooth could be broken into smaller pieces so it can be taken out. Once the tooth is removed, we will close the incision in the gums. We may write a prescription for antibiotics that should be taken before and following the procedure — in case you have a current illness, if your immune system is weak, if the procedure is lengthy, or if you have some other special medical conditions.

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Enjoy Better Dental Health

Whether you have a tooth that is damaged beyond saving or don't have enough room in your mouth to fit your teeth, there are many reasons why we may recommend a tooth extraction at Say Cheeze Dental. Schedule a consultation with our dentists at our office in Apex, NC to learn more about simple and surgical extractions. We would also be happy to discuss restoration options to help restore your smile's look and function after your dental extraction.

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