Dental Cleaning

in Apex, NC

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What Is A Dental Cleaning?

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that all patients schedule regular visits to their dentist to help prevent and treat tooth decay and other oral health issues. Performed using advanced equipment, a biannual professional dental cleaning at Say Cheeze Dental eliminates built-up tartar and plaque and then polishes your enamel for a healthier, brighter smile. After your appointment, our dentists will offer tips on better home oral care and let you know if there are certain areas that may need extra care. A professional cleaning will give our dentists the opportunity to check for any areas of concern in the mouth that might need treatment. Routine cleanings are vital in maintaining your dental health so schedule an appointment for yourself and your family at our Apex, NC dental office.

What Can I Expect During A Dental Cleaning?

Professional cleanings at Say Cheeze Dental begin with the removal of plaque and tartar, two substances that can build up on your enamel and that are difficult to remove with daily brushing and flossing alone. Our dentists use special tools to carefully scale buildup without harming the tooth. To begin, an ultrasonic device loosens large chunks of tartar and plaque with a lubricating mist and high-speed vibrations. Next, handheld tools, such as a scaler or curette, will be used to remove the remaining pieces. Each tooth needs to be treated individually to get all the buildup. After the teeth have been scaled, the enamel will be carefully polished to remove stains and strengthen the teeth. If requested or needed, a fluoride treatment may be completed after the cleaning.

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Schedule Your Next Professional Cleaning

Twice-yearly dental cleanings at Say Cheeze Dental are a great way to complement your at-home oral hygiene routine and protect your and your family's smile for years to come. Our dental care team works with patients to boost their oral health with professional cleanings to remove built-up plaque and tartar. A vital procedure in a proactive dental care plan, a professional cleaning may save you and your family from problems and expensive treatments later. Contact our office in Apex, NC to schedule appointments for your whole family.

Learn More About Say Cheeze Dental